Music, you. Music, you. If the camera admits, he overcorrected after curbing the overcorrection caused the rollover crash. Thankfully, and most importantly, though, the camera is doing fine. You. This clip happened in my hometown of Houston. The truck driver wasn't paying attention to traffic and swerves right in front of the camera, causing a Texas-sized wreck. The camera was cut off by an aggressive driver. The driver that cut him off calls the cops and reports the camera for driving too close. The camera actually gets a ticket during the court date. The driver that reported the camera was a no-show, so the charges got dismissed. Music, please, never do this if there's an emergency vehicle behind you. Just pull over to the right. The BMW driver nearly caused an accident by overreacting and panicking to the ambulance. More people continue to cross the US border, but you know what? The president. The other driver failed to observe if the lane was clear before changing. The camera attempted to warn him with a honk, but to no avail. Should always look before changing lanes. Music. The driver in the Toyota Pickup passes the Mazda in the double-lane road while the other car is turning, nearly colliding with the camera. Thankfully, because the camera was alert, a collision was avoided. You. Music, you. The Toyota driver was in her blind spot, and she just didn't check twice and didn't react to the camera's honking. The camera shared the video with the Hyundai driver in case he needed it when talking to insurance. Music. There was a line of vehicles behind a left lane hog. The black truck was aggressively tailgating the camera and then passing on the right. The truck driver then stupidly decides to brake check the left lane...
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Dds accident report Form: What You Should Know
For accident involving the Death or Death of a person or the Accident of any commercial vehicle it is recommended that you complete the Vehicle Accident Report (VAR) Form, as per the instructions, and also fill out the information on Page 1 on the VAR form as described here: For reports of motor vehicle accidents that involve the injury of a child, the driver or one of the passengers must complete the vehicle accident report. All VAR forms must have the following information: Name of person reporting accident, Date and Time, Location of accident, Vehicle involved, Name and address of other person or persons in the vehicle (if known), Vehicle registration number or other vehicle identification number. (See note below about the name and address) Incident reports, except Vars, must be forwarded to the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) within 12 business days after the incident. The Vehicle Accident Reporting Report Form (VAR) is a complete report of the accident. It will help our investigators determine whether a violation of traffic laws and regulations occurred, if any. DMV will assign a case number that correspond to the incident report. To view your account with the DMV in regard to your report click here: NOTE: DMV reserves the right to delay the return of any report received if the report is incomplete or if the information contained therein is outdated. A completed VAR form cannot be submitted via the Internet. NOTE: The incident report cannot be electronically filed. To upload it, you will need to have a copy in your possession at the time of the DMV transaction. Click on “Submit a VAR” (or “Contact DMV”) on this web page for all VAR reports and information.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Dds accident report