Is there a formula for determining the settlement value of my Georgia personal injury case? Hi, I'm James Murphy, a local personal injury attorney in Douglasville, Georgia, and I would like to address a question we frequently receive. Is there a formula for determining the value of my case? Well, many people want to try to settle their case on their own and years ago they considered a formula. However, that's not really the case anymore. Today, insurance companies and attorneys are looking at juries in the particular jurisdiction where the accident occurred or where the case is. By doing a comparison of what other cases have either settled for or what juries have awarded, an experienced personal injury attorney will be able to look at the read medical records and bills, evaluate the witness testimony and the police officer's report, and give a better idea of what the case may be valued at. Once you've reached the end of your treatment, an attorney will be able to give you a better settlement value of your case or an opinion of it. It's not based on a formula; it's based on experience. That's why we feel it's important for you to contact an attorney in your area to get more information about what cases are settling for. You can call us at this 1-800 number to get more information about mistakes to avoid if you've been in an accident, or call us if you'd like specific information about your case and what your claim may be worth. If you decide I'm the right attorney for you, give me a call, and I will listen to the facts of your case and consult with you.
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How long after a car accident can you file a police report in georgia Form: What You Should Know
How Long After an Accident Can You Make A Claim in Georgia? The length of time after you are involved in an accident is determined by the state in which the accident occurred. The Georgia Association of Personal Injury Lawyers states the following: “If an individual was involved in car accident and suffered serious physical harm or was medically diagnosed as having been in serious physical harm during an accident, the individual must report the accident to any state law or local civil government agency within the next three days. . . . If the individual was injured and the injury was not life-threatening, the individual must report the accident to any state law or local civil government agency within 60 days of the accident.” Other states follow a different policy. For example, the State of Michigan says they don't provide any “time limitation” on filing a police report, unless the victim is medically in the hospital. So if there was a lot of property damage, your state of Michigan would be less specific. How Long After an Accident Can I Make A Claim in Georgia? The time period for filing a “serious bodily injury” claim in Georgia can last from 1 year to 2 years. However, the time you have to file any claim depends on when your property was located when damage occurred. Your car is considered to have been in the accident in Georgia if it was damaged anywhere on a roadway, sidewalk, or on a crosswalk. How Long After an Accident Can You Make a Claim in Georgia? The Georgia Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) says the following about the time it takes to file a claim: “Any injury caused by an auto accident that requires you to report it to the Georgia Department of Public Safety (DPS) is treated as a claim under the Georgia Personal Injury Protection Act (“Personal Injury Protection Act”). For the period of time the state requires you to file such a report, the department takes into account the following factors: The nature of the accident, the driver's or uninsured person's participation in the accident, the vehicle involved, and any damage caused to the vehicle.” This is important to know for any damage claim. When should you file a police report in Georgia? If you're the victim of a car accident, you can file a Police report as soon as you learn the facts of what happened.
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